Good Evening, This is Laura Vaughn from The Weekend River.

It’s Januhairy and women everywhere are growing out their body hair. It’s an experimental campaign to raise money for a body positive project called Body Gossip.

Januhairy was created by 21-year-old Exeter University student Laura Jackson. She is pushing for the acceptance of body hair on women. She says, “Society seems to be behaving as if the natural hair we grow on our bodies is unattractive and distasteful.” Laura has had mixed reactions to her untamed body hair.

The campaign exists mostly on Twitter, where men’s reactions have been mixed. One man claimed to be repulsed by the idea. One woman wrote “#januhairy is not for me…But the amount of men projecting their insecurities all over the hashtag is telling.” Another person tweeted, “You miss the point!! Women can do exactly what they want with their own bodies. Who cares if you find it attractive or not?! We are not here to make you feel okay.” Clearly it’s becoming a duel.

You can support the cause by spreading the word. Women can sign up to participate in the Januhairy campaign.  Me? I’ll Pass.