New Trend: Humblebragging About Your “Pretty Privilege”

This is crazy but understandable.  What’s been though for years is now a “thing.”  Bragging about your good looks.  We’ve all been jealous at one time or another, but TikTok is taking it to a whole new level.

Are the people doing this REALLY that concerned?  Or is it just an excuse to talk about how amazing they are?  Influencers on TikTok have been discussing “pretty privilege” . . . meaning all the stuff that lands in your lap just because you’re attractive.

Everyone seems to agree it’s a thing, so there’s no real debate about that.  A lot of them are just using it as an excuse to HUMBLEBRAG about all the stuff their pretty privilege gets them . . . like free concert tickets, free Uber rides, and LOTS of free drinks.

A few have also pointed out the downsides to being really attractive.  Like people not taking you seriously, or assuming you’re dumb.  But a lot of people are having a hard time watching attractive people complain about their looks.