Do You Want To Save Some Money On Those School Supplies?
August 11, 2019 1:56PM CDT
Hey, it’s Chris Miles and back to school is upon us. If you are like me, you may be looking at this school years list of School Supplies your child’s school sent to you going…do I need to refinance my home for this?
It seems like every year the list grows and grows and so does the cost. This year the expected cost of school supplies for those of us with kid’s high school age and younger is $507. That is up $42 from last year. If you have a college bound child that could cost you an average of $800 this year.
So, here are some way to cut these costs:
- This one is somewhat obvious but look for coupons and sale ads. Just simply google “school supply coupons” for some money savings.
- Compare costs on the web before you head out. Take your child’s supply list and cross compare prices between some of the big box retailers.
- Look through your house (especially that junk drawer) to see if you already have some of the supplies your child needs. I found about 7-8 pencils in that drawer and about 20 pens alone.
- Finally, buy stuff refurbished or used, electronic supplies like graphic calalulators can be expensive brand-new and honestly do you still have or use yours? I do not. Check EBay, Amazon, or any other trading / used website for more savings.
Got any other money saving ideas? Let me know in the comments below.