Fall Without Football!

So last night we got baseball back and I have to say it was nice to watch a game, but weird with no one in the stands. I’m sure it must have been strange for the players too! Hockey coming back soon as is the NBA, so we’re getting our sports back. As a golfer I’ve been watching the guys now for several weeks and yes those guys are good! Here’s the $64,000 question! What about football? What about the NFL? A number of the NFL’s leading players have raised their concerns over the league’s Covid-19 safety protocols as teams prepare to start training camps ahead of the season. Several college leagues have cancelled football including the Ivy League and The Big 10 and The Pac 12 have cancelled all non-conference games. The NFL is still trying to iron out it’s positions and it’s protocols. Will we have a Bears season or not?


Fall without football!!


Players Concerns.