I Guess I Really Am An Empty Nester Now.
Hi, it’s Leslie, and I’m coming to grips with being an empty nester. I’ve been in denial about it.
My youngest graduated from college in May, and found a summer sublet in the city. I kept thinking that they might move back home once the lease expired, but they didn’t.
Instead, they signed a year-long lease with a couple of friends, back in the town where they went to college, about 2 hours away. My oldest moved out about a year ago, so I really am empty nester now. No more waking up the kids on holiday mornings, no more cozy movie nights.
There’s definitely benefits. My house is cleaner, and I have more places to put my foster kitties. But I miss the kids.
I’ll get used to it, and I’m glad that they’re both still in Illinois. I’m learning to navigate my life without them being around so much, but it’s definitely a process.
How have you dealt with this phase of life? Let me know in the comments.