Kids These Days: Plainfield Teenager Starts a Suicide Prevention Walk
Suicide numbers among teenagers have skyrocketed in the last few years. It should be no wonder that some teenagers have noticed and are stepping up to make positive change.
If you think all teenagers are spoiled kids who can’t put down the phone, I suggest you give this a read from the Plainfield Patch detailing the plans of Plainfield Central Senior Kaden Dolbee.
The Plainfield Suicide Awareness Walk will take place at 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, and the Plainfield Central stadium at 24120 W. Fort Beggs St. For Dolbee, the even seeks to remove some of the stigma from suicide and help prevent suicides from happening in his community.
The event will serve as a fundraiser for Elyssa’s Mission, an organization that administers suicide prevent programs in schools.
Kaden was also a guest on our sister station 1340 WJOL where he explains why he started the event in the first place.
Great job, Kaden! He’s a great example of kid these days going great things!