The Tradition Continues: Super Cool Senior Parking Spaces at St. Francis High School in Wheaton

I’m sure the community at St. Francis High School in Wheaton is intimately familiar with this tradition, but it’s new to me, so I wanted to share it!

Apparently it’s a tradition for Spartan seniors to decorate their parking spaces, and holy cow are these good! I’ll be talking about it today during Happy Hour, which goes from noon to 1:00 each weekday and is filled with nothing but good news stories! I love hearing about stuff like this, so if you see something smile-worthy out there, please let me know!

UPDATE: Apparently, it’s not some old tradition! Thanks to the staff at SFHS for informing me it’s a relatively recent activity that seniors have been allowed to do only the past three years! Either way, really cool!

Here are some of my favorite Spartan senior parking spaces!

There’s an Eddy Van Halen one back  there!

Here are the rest of them shared by the school earlier this week:

Oh…and hey, if you need a little extra Happy Hour in your life, the fine folks at SFHS did something super cool for the UPS delivery man who has frequented the school for the 15 years. Good on you, St. Francis, and good luck to James Taylor on his retirement!