What States Ranked As Worst To Retire In

What States Ranked As Worst To Retire In New Jersey is the worst state to retire in, according to a new survey, with Mississippi and New York rounding out the bottom of the list.

If you are expecting to see Illinois near the top of this list, you will not be disappointed! Illinois ranks as the 5th worst state in which to retire.

Source: WalletHub

Illinois ranked 50th when it came to “taxpayer ranking” which comes at no surprise. Illinois did rank a lot better in quality of life and healthcare, which likely saved it from being even lower on the list.

The best state to retire in probably comes as no surprise — Florida.

Others on the “best” list: Virginia, Colorado, Delaware, and Minnesota.

The website, WalletHub, which put together the list, compared factors such as affordability, tax friendliness, quality of life, and access to healthcare.