Do You Still Have A Landline Phone?
Today is #NationalLandlineTelephoneDay! How many of you still have one of these in your home?
Believe it or not, there is still one in my home that I reside. It seemed to be used only for the purposes of getting voicemails from my families doctors or an occasional business call. I use it once in a blue moon if I forgot to charge my cell.
Many of us use land lines for work. But for many people, especially young ones….they have NEVER used one or haven’t even seen one. A recent survey asked people when was the last time they spoke to someone using one. 2% answered never! 25% said more than 6 months.
People under the age of 24 are 3 times more likely to have never used a land line phone. If you are over the age of 55…about 49% of people have used one fairly recently.
If any of you still have one, feel free to share a picture of it on our Facebook page. I would love to see them. The older the better!
~ Tim Thomas