I Couldn’t Believe What My Kids Said the Morning After Christmas

There are two times when Christmas reaches its peak enjoyment.

At the top of the list is when we were kids. Nothing beats being a kid during Christmas. A close second though is being a parent of young kids during Christmas.

This was easily the best Christmas of my adult life. Being able to watch Max (5) and Macy (3) experience Christmas through their eyes was special.

It was also one of the hardest holidays for me and my family as it was the first without my father, who passed away in June, but we all have to deal with that at some point, now don’t we? So, let’s focus on the positive!

Even with all the laughter and play, music, lights, dancing and just overall joy of early childhood, what my kids said to me in the early morning hours of December 26th will stick with me for as long as I live.

After two days, multiple family parties that rained down dozens of toys upon these two spoiled children, they BOTH had the audacity to wake me and my wife up early on the morning after Christmas by saying these two words:

“I’m bored.”

I damn near fell out of my bed!

New toys and games were LITERALLY strewn about our entire house, the mountains of freshly-torn packaging still piled up, and they were BORED!?

I literally didn’t even know what to say. It was early enough where I don’t really recall what I said next, but I’m pretty sure it was just some kind of angry grunt urging them to get out of our bed and go play.

Thankfully, it’s quite clear that our experience is closer to the rule than the exception. The comments are hilarious.

Thankfully, the boredom didn’t last long. They rifled through their new found treasures enjoying all the new stuff that I will eventually step on because they never put things away (sorry…I digress again!).

One thing I did learn though…my son has exceptional aim with a Nerf blaster…


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