Time to celebrate one of the best condiments of all time! Mustard!

I love this condiment.  I love it on a hot dog, hamburger, sandwich and I like to dip my fries into them.  It is healthier than mayo, and their are several varieties.  French’s created a mustard flavored ice cream to celebrate the holiday and you can click HERE to check it out.

Now I do not think ice cream flavored like mustard is the way to go, but Oscar Mayer has gone one step further.  An Ice Cream Sandwich made with hot-dog infused ice cream with real bits of candied hot dogs.  And the “buns” are made out of cookies!  Click HERE to find out more.  Those will be available later on this month.

So how should you celebrate National Mustard Day? Enjoy it on a hot dog, hamburger, or sandwich or perhaps you can even make your own!  Maybe have a tasting of different ones with pretzels.  There are so many different kinds to enjoy. And it is healthy for you too.  They help prevent cancer cell growth.  So special props for the mustard seed! It is low calorie and flavor-full.

I may pass on the ice cream though.  That may be a bit much!    🙂


~ Tim Thomas