Let’s Play a Game…”How Middle Aged are You?”
How “Middle-Aged” Are You?
(Score 1 point for each statement that fits.)
1. You can’t sleep past 9:00 a.m.
2. You can’t start a movie past 9:00 p.m.
3. You call your children for tech support.
4. You used to fix typos with Wite-Out.
5. You’ve called a 30-year-old a “kid”.
6. You swap ailment stories with your friends.
7. You’re on Facebook, but not Grindr.
8. You write appointments on a paper calendar.
9. You’re not quite sure how you got that bruise.
10. You gain weight just by being near food.
11. You go into the bank to make a deposit.
12. You’ve taken a keen interest in bunions and corns.
13. You’ve dialed a rotary phone.
14. You still have a landline.
15. You can’t find your glasses . . . that are sitting on top of your head.
Post Your Answer on our Facebook post…please.