Need An Appointment? Chicago Vaccine Hunters Can Help!
Well here I am the day after my first vaccine shot still standing and feeling great. If you are having difficulty finding an appointment check out this page and group on Facebook called Chicago Vaccine Hunters. I posted on their page last Tuesday, after weeks of frustration in trying to book an appointment and an old friend saw my post and reached out to me and found me an appointment within two days. Amazing and very fortunate. I know there is some hesitancy among different groups about getting vaccinated and I respect the feelings of those who choose to wait. These vaccines are very new and haven’t had a huge trial period so in essence we the public are the guinea pigs to a certain degree. I do believe they are all safe and that in the end we need to get everyone vaccinated. This virus is not going away and this is the way we will have to manage it and life as we navigate these very difficult times.
New CDC Guidelines For Vaccinated People.