No Service, No Internet, Noooooo Way!!

Were you on an internet site yesterday that suddenly disappeared or was unavailable? Recent hacks of the US government and of private businesses and outages like the one yesterday at the cloud service company Fastly show just how much we depend on and are at the mercy of the internet. Think about your life without it or before it or even after it. Is there life after the internet? I’m not sure we’ll know any time soon, but it sure is an integral part of our lives right now. It’s like another family member. It comes to the dinner table (not at my house), rides with us in the car, it’s on hand during conversations, shows up at business meetings, it’s even on the damn golf course (if you let it). Is this any way to live people? Well I guess we’re kinda stuck with it for now….or at least until someone comes up with a better mouse trap!

Swaths Of The Internet Go Down After Cloud Outage.