Our Family’s Entry Into Local Farm’s Scarecrow Contest
Like 84% of everything else that happens in this house, the Jakuszs’ entry into the Bronkberry Farms scarecrow contest is dinosaur related!
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The Jakuszs’ entry into the @bronkberryfarms scarecrow contest! #ScareasaurusRex
You can still enter the contest which technically doesn’t start until Friday! It costs $5 for each category you’d like to enter — best in show, most creative, scariest. There’s even a prize pack valued at $100 you can win, but to be honest, I don’t really care if we win or not (if I did, I would have waited until Friday to set up our beast of a scarecrow because it may not even last until then!). It was more about having something fun to do with the family over the weekend…and then to get it out of my garage as quickly as possible.
By the way, the winner is decided by public vote, so if you head to Bronkberry in Plainfield anytime in the next few weeks, go ahead and vote for Scareasaurus Rex.
I guess winning wouldn’t be too bad….
How it sounded on air this morning: