Should You Disinfect Your Packages During The Pandemic?
I, like a lot of you, I assume, am still ordering things to be delivered to your house. Maybe its Amazon or your local retaurant…or cidery?
But every time I see someone, who I just ASSUME has the ‘rona, I think to myself, “Should I even be touching this package? Should I wipe it down with wipes?”
To answer my question, yes, I have been wiping down all my packages! Can’t hurt, right?!
I feel like the folks at Wire Cutter, have been reading my mind! They just put up an article about this very topic from author Ganda Suthivarakom.
She looks to answer three important questions:
How long does the coronavirus live on packages?
(Yes, but the data isn’t clear about how long)
Should you disinfect your packages?
(It’s less about that, and more about washing your hands)
What are delivery services doing to keep your packages safe?
(If they are sick, stay home, but each company has a different statement)
I won’t delve into all of it now, but you should check it out if you have been pondering what I’ve been pondering. It’s a pretty short read, so you can get back to whatever it is you are doing, like reading about how you can help Aurora-area businesses!