The snarkiest form of poetry
Hey, guess what? Today is National Limerick Day! I’ve always loved limericks. There are more limericks in the world besides the one about somebody from Nantucket. A well-crafted one does a good job of setting you up for the punchline which happens in the last line. So just to be annoying, I came up with a few.
Today is the Day of the Limerick
I’m using it as a nice gimmerick
Though it’s nothing but hype
I just sit here and type
When I really should be at the gymerick.
See, once in a while, Dr. Seuss can provide inspiration with the idea of just making up words.
Since it’s also Mother’s Day today, I thought I’d throw in a couple for the Moms.
Your mother deserves this day too
Perhaps at the beach or the zoo
But what she might want
Is a nice restaurant
And a dinner that used to say “moo”.
And today, don’t forget ‘bout your wife
She’s the woman who gave your kids life
Her heart you could lift
With a really nice gift!
To neglect her would cut like a knife.
OK, that last one was a little too serious on the last line. Not really a punch line exactly.
Well, so much for Limerick Day
Where all I desire to say
I must say in rhyme
But I’m racing with time
So it might not be that good, OK?
That says it all.