Happy Thursday…one day closer to the weekend.  Hope you are not in a…RUSH to get there!  I wrap up the letter “R” in my Deep Cuts series tonight with a Canadian Trio with one of the most unique sounds in rock…RUSH!

Hard to believe 3 men made all that music.  I cannot think of too many band with a fan base as loyal as this band.  Over 40 years…some legendary shows…and unique music…and do not get me started on that amazing drum kit from Neil! It was hard to go through their library and choose just 4 songs for my Deep Cut favorites…but I have.  Here are my selections:

The Trees- Hemispheres

Red Barchetta- Moving Pictures

One Little Victory- Vapor Trails

Distant Early Warning- Grace Under Pressure

Give them a listen below and share your favorites on our Facebook page.  Thanks for listening!

~ Tim Thomas