We March Toward Spring With The Help Of The Girl Scouts!

So here we are January 7th and it’s the start of the march to March and Springtime. 72 days till Spring and just 66 til we start getting lighter, later and longer with daylight savings time. We have a great deal in front of us, football playoffs start this weekend (Bears included) and of course the Super Bowl 4 weeks from Sunday. The Black Hawks start this week, The Bulls already playing in the regular season in the NBA. March Madness will happen entirely in a bubble in Indianapolis and we all await our turn for the coronavirus vaccine vaccinations. There is one thing that is already happening and bodes well for us as we progress and that is the arrival again of the Girl Scouts and their delightful cookies. It’s so nice to know some things  can always be counted on!! I am a big fan of Samoas as the picture above can attest to. Last box out of the freezer, but I put it back after shooting the shot because I’m doing my dry January cleanse. No alcohol, no pasta, no bread, no deserts (including GS cookies). But if I see an opportunity to purchase a few more boxes I certainly will (for consumption at a later date). Below is all the info you need to order your favorites from your local Girl Scouts.


Girl Sout Press Release