We Shouldn’t Drink Coffee First Thing In The Morning? Really?
Many of us HATE getting up in the morning. And we need that cup of coffee to get us going. But maybe we should wait a little bit. Seriously.
Believe it or not, there are certain things you should not do first thing in the morning because they will make you even more tired! One of them is drink a cup of coffee. Your body NATURALLY produces higher amounts of the stress hormone cortisol which regulates energy between 8 and 9 am in the morning. So for most people the best time to drink coffee is after 9:30 am. Try it. See if it works.
For the record, there are a few other things that you shouldn’t do first thing in the morning, since that will make us even more tired:
Hit The Snooze Button, Check Email or Social Media, Leave Your Bed Unmade, and Get Ready In The Dark. And for a few more click HERE and see if you agree.
Some of these may not be realistic for some of us, but maybe give them a try and see what happens. My name is Tim Thomas…and I am here to help! 🙂