What’s the best temperature for sleeping?
Hey, it’s Rich Dale! Where do you like to have that thermostat set at night? If you like a “chilly” bedroom at night you might actually be giving yourself a better chance at a better night’s sleep. Tell your family to stop cranking up the heat when the sun goes down. The Atlantic shared a new study that said those who slept in cooler temperatures slept longer and woke up more alert. While experts disagree on the exact ideal temp for sleep, they all agree it’s in between the 60 and 67 range.
Cooler temps allow the body’s core temperature to cool easier and also helps lower your heart rate. If you’re keeping your bedroom toastier than 67 you could be fighting your body’s need to cool down. Some research even suggests insomnia is linked the malfunction of body’s heat regulation cycle.
I go back and forth. That is, I tend to feel to hot when the heat is on and too cold when it’s off. That sometimes make for not too restful of a night.
My son, on the other hand, takes the chilly room to an extreme. Even during the winter, he likes to keep the window cracked a little and pile on the blankets. That might give him a good night’s sleep, but it’s murder on the heating bill!