Who Gets More Affection? Your Dog Or Your Partner?
Happy Hump Day! Tim Thomas in for Nick today with a simple question. Who gets more affection? Your dogs (if you have one) or your partner? I was surprised by the answer. A little.
A recent survey says that 84% of pet owners show more affection to their dogs than to their partner! I suspect it is because our pets show us unconditional love. Just feed them, exercise them, cuddle them…and they are good to go. Our partners…well I am assuming there are more factors involved.
Some other findings in the survey:
76% of people would find their partner more attractive if they were more pet friendly.
25% of people have taken their pet on a date.
91% of people tell their pet they love them.
9% have broken up with a partner over a pet.
32% of people kiss their pets on the lips.
So if you are single, it is OK to show a little love to your pet on this Valentines Day. And if you add a pet to your home…please adopt! So many pets are looking for forever homes.